We have always loved dogs, especially boxers. We had two, successively, each one lived for ten (short) years. The first one was a male we named Koko and the second was a female our children named Kyra.
After I had the book printed, bound, and had presented it as Christmas presents, I was encouraged to make it available to a wider audience. So, recently I decided to publish it. The book is called A Dog's Life and is available at http://www.lulu.com/ and at http://www.amazon.com/.
Last year I wrote a little book about Koko, as a remembrance for our children who grew up with him, and as entertainment for our grandchildren who never knew him. The book is an "autobiography," that is, it is written from Koko's point of view. It consists of a series of anecdotes, as told by Koko, about some of his funny and at the time vexing exploits while growing up in our family.