Friday, June 12, 2009

Rocky Mountain Trip Day 1 – 3 June 2009

Nothing is worth doing unless you do it early in the morning – I heard say. So we got up at about 5 AM, departed for the airport at a little after 6 and arrived at the airport in plenty of time to get bored before our 11:15 flight to Calgary via Montreal. The flights were uneventful except that on the “puddle jumper” that took us to Montreal we only got a small bag of peanuts and a cup of coke. On the bigger airplane that took us to Calgary they had a more extensive menu (and I mean menu – they handed you one). The drawback was that whatever you selected you had to pay for. The items they offered weren’t anything “to write home about” – this was the first time that I didn’t finish a sandwich!

We stayed in a typical Holiday Inn, had a few beers and some very good food and thereby closed out the first day.

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