I called the RV rental place and told them that we were here and scheduled a pick
We didn’t get far because we had to stop by a supermarket to lay in some victuals. That done, we had our first lunch in the camper, a quick nap, and we were on the road south toward the town of Fort Macleod.
In the town of Fort Macleod there actually is a fort and it is called Macleod. Unfortunately, by the time we got there, the place was closed; that is, the fort, which is now a museum, closed at 5 P.M. and we were there a little after 5 P.M. We walked along the main street of the town, a typical street of a Western town, except this one is immaculately clean.
While driving down from Calgary, my friend admired the scenery or dozed a little up to a crucial point which will become obvious later when she started reading the guide book and discovered that off to the northwest of Fort Macleod there is a place that is on the World Heritage Register, or something like that. The point at which she started reading the entry in the guide book to me aloud was precisely as we were passing the turn-off to the scenic spot at over 60 mile per hour. So, after proceeding into Fort Macleod, good natured as I am, I offered to drive the few miles to the “Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Interpretive Center,” yes, that is the place that is on the World Register. Of course, by the time we got there, this place too was closed. So we backtracked a little and stopped for the night at the Buffalo Plains RV Park and Campground. It is a nice little campground with a great view of the plains and the foothills of the Rockies and if one strains, a bit of the real Rockies can be seen.
The nice lady at the campground office had me stick a pin on her wall map indicating where we were from and recommended “sunset garden” which they have set up to watch the sunset - unfortunately, there was no sunset to watch as a weather front was approaching and it's advancing clouds nixed the sunset.
Tomorrow we plan to visit the interactive center with the “smashed-in-heads” and then press on further southwest to Waterton Lake National Park.
Oh yea, my friend complained that the “Roadtrek” (a similar RV) which we had in British Columbia was roomier, better designed, and better built than the “Pleasure-Way” RV which we have now. It looks nice, but I too find that the arrangement of the interior was better in the “Roadtrek.” We shall see if we get used to it. This was day two.
P.S.: Seen at the Buffalo Plains Campground:
“Outhouse Rules:
1. Be neat.
2. Leave it as you want to find it.
3. Put the lid down.
4. Leave paper for others.
5. Close the door so the chickens don’t get in.
1. Be neat.
2. Leave it as you want to find it.
3. Put the lid down.
4. Leave paper for others.
5. Close the door so the chickens don’t get in.
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