We decided to stay at the Air Force Academy campsite for another night. We had deci
ded to visit Denver, not just by passing through, but to actually spend most of the day there. And that's what we did. We paid for another night at the campground, ran some errands (post office, gas station, etc.) and departed for Denver. Our Navigator took us right downtown to the state capitol. After driving around several city blocks we finally found a suitable parking space and were on our way on foot.
Denver is a really nice city, at least what we saw of it. There is a fairly long shopping mall, actually a street with one store or restaurant after the other, without traffic, just with convenient shuttle buses. The shuttle buses are free, you just hop on or off as you like. They run every couple of minutes and stop every few hundred feet.
We rode part way, looked in stores, and walked part way. The stores we went into were mainly those that sold We
stern items. In one store the nice sales lady tried to sell me a nice, fur-lined leather jacket - except that the temperature on the outside was around 90 degrees and I couldn't get into the mood for buying a winter jacket. Of course, my friend had to ask the obligatory question: "Do you sell cow hides?" The answer was "yes," but luckily she didn't like any of them, even though the store offered to ship it to us so we wouldn't have to carry it around in this heat.
Unfortunately, this being a Monday, the museums were closed and to get into the US Mint required a reservation made well in advance, so we had a little lunch at a sidewalk restaurant and decided to visit the air conditioned State House.
The Colorado Sate House is a magnificent structure with golden (just like in Salt Lake City) drinking fountains, golden railings on the stairs, and golden doors to the talking elevator. Yes talking, because the floors are announced by a voice rather than by illuminated numerals as other more plebeian elevators
do. There was an extensive braided rug exhibit stretching over the accessible floors and the rotunda of the State House. The usual gallery of US presidents and Colorado governors rounded out the tour. But alas, it finally was time to leave the air conditioned splendor and find our RV, which was no easy task since we had wandered in circles and around corners withou
t paying attention to where we were going in relation to our parked RV.
We found our RV by trying to recognize buildings near where it was parked and by encirclement, e. g., we went around in circles until we finally stumbled on it. A little more than an hour later we were back at the campground at the Air Force Academy where we relaxed after a day in the big city and thus ended day 20.
Denver is a really nice city, at least what we saw of it. There is a fairly long shopping mall, actually a street with one store or restaurant after the other, without traffic, just with convenient shuttle buses. The shuttle buses are free, you just hop on or off as you like. They run every couple of minutes and stop every few hundred feet.
We rode part way, looked in stores, and walked part way. The stores we went into were mainly those that sold We
Unfortunately, this being a Monday, the museums were closed and to get into the US Mint required a reservation made well in advance, so we had a little lunch at a sidewalk restaurant and decided to visit the air conditioned State House.
The Colorado Sate House is a magnificent structure with golden (just like in Salt Lake City) drinking fountains, golden railings on the stairs, and golden doors to the talking elevator. Yes talking, because the floors are announced by a voice rather than by illuminated numerals as other more plebeian elevators
We found our RV by trying to recognize buildings near where it was parked and by encirclement, e. g., we went around in circles until we finally stumbled on it. A little more than an hour later we were back at the campground at the Air Force Academy where we relaxed after a day in the big city and thus ended day 20.
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